
Kundeudtalelser om foredrag

Margrethe Vestager, President of the Social-liberal Group in Folketinget

Martin Spang has always impressed me with his insights and ability to use his experience in a lot of different settings. In my experience his is an inspiration to a lot of people who want to make more out of their lives.

Morten W. Andersen, Chef for arbejdsmiljø og ledelsesudvikling på Rigshospitalet

Martin er meget dynamisk, idérig og visionær. I første omgang kan Martins budskaber virke langt væk fra virkeligheden, men han formår på en utrolig nærværende og levende måde at gøre tankerne konkrete og brugbare. På et møde med en samling “kontormus“ fik han os til at lave nogle enkle øvelser til at få blodet til at bevæge sig i kroppen. Jeg har aldrig selv fået noget ud af sådanne øvelser, men denne gang virkede det! Jeg kunne forstå på flere af de andre, at de havde det på samme måde.

Anne-Mette Filippson, Arbejdsmiljørådet for Luftfart

Martin Spang Olsen has delivered excellent coaching to approximately 350 administrative employees and leaders in the field of physical and psychological work environment. A coaching as on and off lasted almost 3 years and with very high succes.

Lloyd Caldwell, Associate Professor at Oklahoma State University

The first thing that struck me in Martin was his utter professionalism. Martin is very organized, prepared, and aware.
I was very impressed by his breadth and depth of knowledge. Martin is a student of his craft. He was speaking to film and theatre professionals, all experts in their fields, and he managed to navigate with openness and an appropriate level of humility and self-pride.

Lone Rud Appel, PA og administration at Svømmeskolen

Martin Spang Olsen is very visionary and determined in his work. He has got a remarkable stamina and endurance, which together with his very positive energy, makes him able to create great results in even very difficult areas such as social sciences, integrations, lifelong learning ect.
The balance between mind and body as an integrated whole serving a more spirituel approach to life and business, is a strong “driver” in all his work.

Jean-Pierre Fournier, Former Co-ordinator of Performance Theatre at Mount Royal University

Martin Spang Olsen was a highly skilled professional when we worked together In Hammer, Norway. I found him to be a combination of intelligence, supportive, patient, diplomatic, courteous, and one of the finest assistants/partners I have ever had to work with.

Partner og COO i COLECO og Connection Management, samt konsulent og facilitator

Martin er et menneske, som inspirerer til og skaber resultater af den ene og anden art. Såvel professionelle som personlige resultater. Martin er med til at skabe vækst på mange planer. Samfundsmæssigt, følelsesmæssigt og kreativt for bare at nævne nogle. Jeg vil især fremhæve hans lidenskabelige tilgang til at udbrede og udvikle vores forhold til sanser og kreativitet.

Henrik Hartvig Jørgensen, Owner & Executive Producer at Musical Denmark and Owner HenCo

Martin has great skills in communicating with the talent and he’s a true expert in his field. I’ll hire him again anytime and recommend him to anybody with a need of creative and skilled professional.

Dan Stangerup, Project Manager, Mellow Productions

Martin is a sympathic, fearless and a strong soul in a healthy body. He posseses a rare combination of physical invincibility and control, combined with a highly developed skill for conflict handling, which you see only too rarely in this world.
At the same time, he is a true leader with a strong backbone, full of initiative and result-leading strategies, kicking the doors in, that few others would dare to knock on.

Erik Fredricksen, Professor at University of Michigan

Martin is an honest and direct individual with advanced skills and fine interpersonal communicative ability. He brings an organized sense respect and deep knowledge for many training disciplines and a broad appreciation of artistic forms.

Berrit Sidse Kvorning, Kvorning Kommunikation

Martin is a fine, patient and kind teacher of difficult stuff. His ability to keep the calm of the situation and still create momentum amongst very different temperaments is excellent. On top of this his competences are diverse and there is something for all levels of expertise to relate to.
I can highly recommend Martin as an enthusiastic and very able professional.

George Keller, Independent Music Professional

A truly multitalented artist! I’ve had the privilege and pleasure of working with Martin on several different projects for the last many years. It would be hard to find a person more passionately committed to what-ever-he-do. I cannot recommend anyone more highly.

Thomas Heine Nielsen, lecturer at University of Copenhagen

Martin Spang Olsen is a man in command of words: witty, well-read and well-writing. He is, moreover, very much a man of his own ideas which he is willing to pursue with sometimes surprising determination. He is also a great crowd-seducer: I have personally seen him seduce almost the entire assembled staff of the Faculty of Humanities by his oratory and stage-personality.

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